Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update on me

I'm ready again to start focusing on me. Or rather I'm getting ready to start focusing on me.

I'm sick of feeling this way. I know I'm getting unhealthier every day. I noticed this week that I keep taking these almost sob-like breaths, not on purpose, it's more of a reaction of some sort in my body. Not sure what's going on, but I can tell something isn't right. I'm not balanced.

Confession time? I haven't been outside in 2 days. I know that's depressing and kinda creepy, but I've been in a funk, a depression. Feeling sorry for myself, getting down on myself, wishing I would just magically change. But I know it won't happen that way. So I've started talking about it.

I know everything will work out okay. I will get a job, or I'll figure out how to work for myself (that's sounding more appealing everyday). Tomorrow I have appointments and places to be.

But I also have to know that it's okay once in a while to not be okay. It's a process. I have a lot of bad things to get out so I can let the good in. I have to work through it.

I've started talking to the girls and guys on the forum I'm on about my frustrations, challenges, roadblocks, ideas. I think the more people I talk to about it, the better this will go. When I stop talking and start bottling like I always do, that is where I run into trouble. I also have to do things my own way. Someone else's way is not going to work for me. It's as simple as that. I know my soul, I know my body, I know my spirit, I know my stubbornness. Who better to decide what is needed to succeed? Sure I'll listen for inspiration, new ideas, recommendations, trivia. But I have to trust myself.


Side track. The past few weeks I've had flashes of intuition, more than normal. I had a dream that my car wouldn't start. What happens the next day? My batter decides to go caput, need a new one. Thank god for AAA. 6 year warranty! I also had a feeling that I should wear gloves when lunging Marker, that I might get ropeburn. I talked myself out of it. Guess what! Ropeburn on my middle finger. Literally, my universe was giving me the middle finger for not listening.

So I'm listening more. I know everything I need to, I just have to discover it. And perhaps re-read Illusions where I first learned this idea.


So yes. I'm loving me again. No more headaches. No more aching knees.
I've started the 200 Sit Up Challenge, the 200 Squats Challenge, and the 100 Push Up Challenge. I also want to get started on the Couch to 5k Challenge as well. I get my iPod either Friday or Monday, so I can download the programs that help you time your runs better.

Well, good night all. Here's to trusting your intuition and loving yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Always go with your intuition! When I was in my teens and early 20's I just thought I was nuts and having a lot of coincidental dreams. Learning to follow my (dreams, visions, thoughts, feelings, spidey senses - whatever you want to call them) has paid off in some of the most amazing ways.

    Good for you for doing the 200 (insert method of torture here) challenge! You should feel very proud of that. If you ever need someone to talk to, just let me know!
