Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sometimes we are the inspiration we seek

I had a moment like that tonight. Rather, a breakthrough, as I like to put it.

I am so excited about trusting my intuition, even if it sometimes seems crazy to do so, that it's overflowing. I was talking to a friend about college, and how she should trust her intuition when it comes to her major.

I think this can be applied to us all in any factor of our lives. Have you ever had that feeling that you should do one thing while someone in your life (or multiple people) are telling you to do something else because it's "safe"? I think we all need to trust our intuition, do what's right for us, and go for it. If you really want it, you'll work for it no matter what. And perhaps you may discover that is not what you really want, but discover something else. There is nothing like progress to show that to you. A step backward can really be a step forward but in a new direction. Like a ball change!

And what is the worst that can happen? If you lose the passion for that one thing, it follows that the passion will be elsewhere. And you just keep going forward. Go for something else. That's part of life! And it's amazing.

So the final part of this story, is that after I talked to her about everything, I got inspired myself and decided in that minute to go for a walk/run. I started my Couch to 5K program. I'll re-continue with my 100 pushup/200 squat/100 situps tomorrow (flip flop days to rest muscles). I'm excited!

So spread joy, inspire others, and be that inspiration you seek!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Song!

And I almost forgot this one!

I Got A Feelin' - Billy Currington

I have no idea why I had this stuck in my head. I don't think I heard it yesterday...

I love football and RedZone!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Couple of days ago

I don't remember what song I woke up to today, but I remember one from a few days ago. It was Devil in Disguise because of this commercial. But then I went back to sleep because I had a headache, and I don't remember what happened next.

That's all for now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update on me

I'm ready again to start focusing on me. Or rather I'm getting ready to start focusing on me.

I'm sick of feeling this way. I know I'm getting unhealthier every day. I noticed this week that I keep taking these almost sob-like breaths, not on purpose, it's more of a reaction of some sort in my body. Not sure what's going on, but I can tell something isn't right. I'm not balanced.

Confession time? I haven't been outside in 2 days. I know that's depressing and kinda creepy, but I've been in a funk, a depression. Feeling sorry for myself, getting down on myself, wishing I would just magically change. But I know it won't happen that way. So I've started talking about it.

I know everything will work out okay. I will get a job, or I'll figure out how to work for myself (that's sounding more appealing everyday). Tomorrow I have appointments and places to be.

But I also have to know that it's okay once in a while to not be okay. It's a process. I have a lot of bad things to get out so I can let the good in. I have to work through it.

I've started talking to the girls and guys on the forum I'm on about my frustrations, challenges, roadblocks, ideas. I think the more people I talk to about it, the better this will go. When I stop talking and start bottling like I always do, that is where I run into trouble. I also have to do things my own way. Someone else's way is not going to work for me. It's as simple as that. I know my soul, I know my body, I know my spirit, I know my stubbornness. Who better to decide what is needed to succeed? Sure I'll listen for inspiration, new ideas, recommendations, trivia. But I have to trust myself.


Side track. The past few weeks I've had flashes of intuition, more than normal. I had a dream that my car wouldn't start. What happens the next day? My batter decides to go caput, need a new one. Thank god for AAA. 6 year warranty! I also had a feeling that I should wear gloves when lunging Marker, that I might get ropeburn. I talked myself out of it. Guess what! Ropeburn on my middle finger. Literally, my universe was giving me the middle finger for not listening.

So I'm listening more. I know everything I need to, I just have to discover it. And perhaps re-read Illusions where I first learned this idea.


So yes. I'm loving me again. No more headaches. No more aching knees.
I've started the 200 Sit Up Challenge, the 200 Squats Challenge, and the 100 Push Up Challenge. I also want to get started on the Couch to 5k Challenge as well. I get my iPod either Friday or Monday, so I can download the programs that help you time your runs better.

Well, good night all. Here's to trusting your intuition and loving yourself!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Song of the day

I went to bed singing some random commercial song. I forget what it was, so obviously it didn't make an impression.

What did I wake up with? Uncle Kracker's Smile.

Very happy song to wake up to. Doesn't exactly match what I'm feeling, but that's okay. It's a start.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A New Idea

Yes it's been a while. I'll address that another day. Not today though.

I had this idea jump in my head and I'm not exactly sure where it will take me. Feel free to join me if you like!

Every day I wake up with a song in my head. Sometimes it's the song I went to bed singing, and yes I ALWAYS wake up with a song in my head and I always go to sleep with a song. I'm just a musical person.

I'm wondering if they have any correlation to anything or if there is a pattern.

For example, yesterday I woke up with Sugarland, "Stuck Like Glue" stuck in my head . But I went to sleep and almost had Justin Bieber's "U Smile" stuck in my head so I purposely sang Stuck Like Glue until it was stuck (like glue). Bieber had been on SNL and he sang that song right before I went to bed. That was all I could sing. I purposely sang all of Stuck Like Glue while I was falling asleep.

Last night I'm not sure what was in my head while I was falling asleep, I didn't think to take notice. But I was exhausted. This morning I woke up with Rascal Flatts "Mayberry" stuck in there.

Joey, on the other hand, woke up with Stuck Like Glue. Looks like I'm rubbing off on him!