Friday, June 4, 2010

Tired and excited

I had a somewhat epiphany today. While stacking boxes, I thought this in my head. People who aren't terribly concerned about their weight (yes they are healthy and eat right and exercise) and just want to stay fit tend to be thin. People who are concerned about their weight and that number on the scale and the number in their jeans tend to have weight problems. Not necessarily being overweight, but possibly even underweight too. When you are more concerned about how you feel, everything else just comes naturally. When you stress about it and diet and push yourself and deprive yourself beyond belief, nothing comes naturally except dis-ease.

It was a wow moment. I've been teetering on that for the longest time, but it hit me smack in the face.

I'm going up to Flagstaff tomorrow for the weekend and I'm super excited to get out of this heat. I really do hate the heat. I honestly have no idea why I live here. I go through this every year too. I wonder why I live here, I plan to move. I never do (or I come back), and then I love the winter. My fair Irish skin is not made for this kind of heat. I feel like I'm choking on the air when I breathe because it's so hot.

And I'm hoping this is just allergies, but I have a feeling it's not. I've been sneezing a lot more than usual and now my nose is stuffy and this morning my throat slightly hurt, but it went away. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Stacia,

    My wife and I have used the Weight Watchers program and every time we lose weight but can eat pretty much the same!! It's all about calories in vs. calories burned, nothing more, nothing less! Have a great time in Flagstaff!

